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[f-cpu] Re:Cmos fab.
Juergen Goeritz wrote:
> Why do you think it may be possible to produce anti-matter?
> Hasn't there been detected an asymmetry in favour of matter
> lately?
*** Off topic ***
Been done for the anti-electron since the 1930's.
The anti-electron from the 1970's. With a efficiency of
something like 10^-9 and m=e/(c^2) and the stuff going 'poof'
if hits ordinary matter your yearly production is small.
It may soon have some real use of production of radioactive
isotopes for things like cat-scans where you can produce short
lived radioactive materials on site.
*** On Topic ***
> One effect in the transistor is the buildup of a load in the
> substrate layers that may damage the transistor. Think this is
> caused by gammaray in combination with electric fields and is
> building up constantly. When you remove the electrical field
> the load slowly decreases again. But since I do not want to
> crawl through the pile of documents again I have no figures.
> Alpha & Beta radiation may be better shielded by other means
> since they can really blow your chip structure.
I think they have been doing that since 16K dram came out.They
changed from ceramic to plastic because the natural radioactivity
of the clay was too high back then.
> But maybe one of the guys working directly at ASIC centers
> could tell me whether it is possible to control the power
> branches in SoC designs to really shut-down parts of it
> directly onchip. And I mean a completely powerless state
> not the usual idle power-down mode used to save power.
I think you might if you used a Bi-Cmos fabrication. I am not
sure if you could turn off CMOS that has latched up that way?
> AND if it is possible to intermix coarse transistors from
> 1.3u or even heavier ones with the latest 0.08u techniques
> on a single chip.
Yes you can use BIGGER transistors! The catch is the poly-silicon
and other metallic layers may have changed thickness as well as
the transistor gains so you may have to check if the old design
still works.
Ben Franchuk - Dawn * 12/24 bit cpu *
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