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Re: [f-cpu] GCC and jmpz vs. jmpl
> > for inc/dec/neg/cmp.....
> > Who added next cycle ??
> The INC unit needs 2 cycles because it became too complex.
> Life's a bitch, you know...
hehehe, what irony ! Incrementer unis has its name after
inc/dec. But now inc/dec are superfluous because they do
the same job as addi $1 with the same time - addi can be
even faster for 8bit chunks.
> The XOR is already there (it's needed for cmple/cmpg/min/max), and the
> `reduce' tree is there as well. I could just tap its result bits and route
> them to the output - but that would still be a 2-cycle operation. That
> is, it won't be any cheaper than `xor.and'.
yes now I know ..
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