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Re: [f-cpu] New EU_SHL Instruction
On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 02:36:29PM +0100, I wrote:
> If you insist, I will investigate whether `sdup r3, r2, r1' can be added.
Fuck, that was TOO easy - took me 30 seconds to add it :)
Here's the change in the encoding:
> vsel:
> 31-24 OP_VSEL (replaces OP_SDUP)
> 23-22 size
> 21 s- prefix
> 20-18 unused
Change that line to
20 -h suffix (duplicates second operand)
19-18 unused
> 17-12 r3
> 11- 6 r2
> 5- 0 r1
There now are the following identities:
sdup.sz r2, r1 <=> svsel.sz r0, r2, r1 <=> vperm.sz r0, r2, r1
sdupi.sz $u, r2, r1 <=> svseli.sz $u, r2, r1 <=> vpermi.sz $u, r2, r1
sdup.sz r3, r2, r1 <=> svselh.sz r3, r2, r1 <=> vpermh.sz r3, r2, r1
Note that `-h' has no effect without the `s-' prefix. This is
consistent with the use of `-h' in the bitwise shift/rotate
Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
"All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die"
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