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Re: [f-cpu] Communication problem
On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 07:36:32AM +0200, Juergen Goeritz wrote:
[XML vs. LaTeX]
> >You mean, *browseable* HTML - lots of files, with hyperlinks? I haven't
> >seen that yet. There should be one file for each F-CPU instruction,
> >for example (in the old manual, the instruction set document was one
> >big file).
> Just a comment from my view. I hate these online manuals
> where you have all this scattered files. I prefer to do
> a download of the whole manual and read it offline!
If I'm going to read it cover to cover, I want a PDF (or better: a
printed copy). But if I use it as a quick reference, I want HTML and
short files. I don't want my browser to load a 250K document each time
I check the encoding of a single instruction.
Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
"All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die"
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