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Re: [f-cpu] Synthesier hunting

Le Mardi 2 Mars 2004 01:01, gaetan@xeberon.net a écrit :
> Isima school have a synthetiser (sysnopsys on solaris) but i don't know
> if it is a good one or if it is a recent version...
> the only synthesis we made were not very beautifull (80's-like
> interface,...). I will try to see what version it is...
> do you have a testbench i can run to see what this new server is able to
> do?

Try to find the version name (it's a date).

Synthetisers ar quite ugly tools and mostly shell based :)

The new version will use Qt !;)


> Nicolas Boulay a écrit :
> >Hello guys,
> >
> >I have been to DATE 2004. I have meet some guys from Synplify to have a
> >zero-fees licence to synthetise the code to use Synplify ASIC.
> >
> >I just receive there definitive response : no. "Some compagany that use
> > our product will be in direct competition with your cpu, so to be fair,
> > we can't agreed your demand."
> >
> >That sad :/
> >
> >The only way to have access to a synthetiser is to find a deal with a
> >university that work with "Europractice" organisation. They have access to
> >almost every software they want, for a very low fees (1800€/an for a
> > complete set of Synopsys software, that cost more than a million €/an in
> > the market).
> >
> >nicO
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