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[f-cpu] about Gaetan's work
- To: f-cpu@seul.org
- Subject: [f-cpu] about Gaetan's work
- From: Yann Guidon <whygee@f-cpu.org>
- Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 22:45:03 +0100
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Hello !
Gaetan will submit his report on friday, in a public session i believe.
Some of his working documents are at http://xeberon.net/temp/
and i'm proofreading some of it.
currently i'm looking at fcpu-fpu-adder-appendix.pdf
One remark :
generic (
WIDTH : natural := 64
and an assertion that checks WIDTH mod 64 ....
F-CPU's data widths are powers of two, not all multiples of 64.
Gaetan doesn't seem to use a cloning wrapper for handling
larger widths transparently. Did i miss a discussion ?
(highly probable)
reading the rest,
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