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Re: [f-cpu] CVS for F-CPU created

Hi F-gang,

On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 09:14:11AM +0200, Andreas Romeyke wrote:
> On Sat, 26 May 2001, Yann Guidon wrote:
> > maybe we can crontab an archiver ?
> > (i've tasted crontab for the first time
> > this week and i don't know why i didn't use it before :-D)
> It is done.
> Please check http://f-cpu.gaos.org, there are weekly snapshots as tarball.
> At the world, there is also CVS for windows, quite comfortable as raw
> unix-cvs is. Check it and ask Michael Riepe about. :-)

Before you ask -- I don't know *anything* about CVS for Windoze... :)

The directory structure currently looks like this:

    # gcc & friends for the F-CPU; currently empty

    # F-CPU simulator/emulator; currently empty

    # F-CPU documentation

    # F-CPU source

    # miscellaneous junk, don't care about this please
    # (I'm probably going to remove it sooner or later)

If you need a good place for your files, talk to me.

This is also a good time to re-post the annotated "CVS usage guidelines"
I posted a while ago:

    - First of all, do not step on other developer's toes.  If you
      need a change in somebody's files, talk to him first.  This rule
      helps avoiding merge conflicts.

    - When editing files, do not re-indent them without a reason.
      Also, do not replace tabs with spaces or vice versa.  This will
      only blow up the repository (CVS cares about every single
      character, and keeps track of *all* changes).

Note: This is a very serious matter.  Please do not pollute the repository
this way!  If you pollute *my* files, I'll even delete your changes
without further notice (and with almost no traces remaining).

    - All source files shall be in Unix format, i.e. use `LF' as
      the line termination character, and the ISO-8859-1 (aka latin-1)
      character set.  If you have to add binary files (you'd better
      avoid that), don't forget to turn off keyword substitution!!

Note: Some files currently violate this rule (they're using CRLF as
end-of-line).  I gotta do a little more cleaning...

BTW: I agree with Andreas that PS and EPS files should be treated as
binaries -- unless they're hand-written, of course.

    - Files used exclusively on DOS/Windows systems (e.g. .BAT files)
      shall have `CRLF' as the line termination `character', and shall
      use an appropriate DOS/Windows character set (preferably only the
      lower half, i.e. US-ASCII).

    - Never check in files that are created automatically; instead,
      check in the files they're created from (e.g. check in the
      .tex sources, but not the resulting .ps files).

    - When setting tags, prefix them with your username (e.g.
      `whygee-' or `tired-').  Other tags are considered `global'
      and should only be set or deleted by the project's CVS admin
      (or with his/her explicit consent).

Note: When I do `cvs import', I use `tired' as the vendor-id and
`tired-YYYYMMDD' as release tag(s).

    - Never change the repository manually (e.g. move directories
      around) unless you have talked to the CVS admin and the
      developers before.

Note: I violate this rule on a regular basis, but *you* should never
mess with the repository directly ;)

 Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
 "All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die"
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