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[f-cpu] Shifter
Here's another version of the shifter. It now uses a 6-stage omega
network (in fact, a *reversed* omega network) for bitwise operations.
Additional changes:
- cleaner, more regular code
- since the core is basically a rotate unit, shifts are now
performed by `rotate-and-mask'. A second output holds the bits
that were lost, giving us `double' shifts for free (but only
the 2r2w ones; 3r1w double shifts are not supported).
- as a consequence of the implementation, `bitrev' now has a
SIMD counterpart, `sbitrev'. `bitrevo' isn't supported.
- performs both mixl and mixh (or expandl and expandh) at
the same time (2r2w).
- can perform either byterev or sdup on two independent
input operands (2r2w).
I didn't test all extensions; I'd like to see synthesis reports before
I go on (maybe this is even slower than the last one).
Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
"All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die"