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gEDA-bug: [ geda-Bugs-1912859 ] Crash removing symbol with coincident pins

Bugs item #1912859, was opened at 2008-03-12 16:41
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Category: gschem
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Peter Clifton (petercjclifton)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Crash removing symbol with coincident pins

Initial Comment:
Ok, a small test-case should be attached... Valgrind is very unhappy when you delete or "cut" the SMC connector.

When running natively, the result is often a crash.

The second testcase does not cause a problem. (I separated the four pins from each other.)

Running under GDB, we get:

> (gdb) bt
> #0  o_cue_undraw (w_current=0x80cfa78, object=0x85a49b0) at o_cue.c:451
> #1  0x08099012 in o_cue_undraw_list (w_current=0x80cfa78, object_list=0x8586230) at o_cue.c:537
> #2  0x080663df in o_delete_complex (w_current=0x80cfa78, obj=0x852c598) at o_delete.c:132
> #3  0x08066675 in o_delete (w_current=0x80cfa78) at o_delete.c:293
> #4  0x08062fee in i_callback_edit_delete (data=0x80cfa78, callback_action=0, widget=0x0) at i_callbacks.c:715
> #5  0x0805c470 in g_keys_edit_delete () at g_keys.c:236

We're redrawing cues on "other" objects, which in the normal case doesn't include other pins attached to the symbol.

The SMC has four pins atop each other, and the connection tracking code "knows" they are connected to each other. I suspect prim_objs belonging to the complex being deleted are returned to other_objects. That list is kept, and worked with after the complex (and its prim_objs) are deleted.

An obvious workaround is to have a 2-pin SMC symbol, and name all the
grounds the same in the PCB footprint, but we still need to fix the underlying bug.


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