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gEDA-bug: [ geda-Feature Requests-3116068 ] Attribute dialog multiline editing and missing type

Feature Requests item #3116068, was opened at 2010-11-22 17:14
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by clifcox
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Category: gschem
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Clif Cox (clifcox)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Attribute dialog multiline editing and missing type

Initial Comment:
The Gschem attribute dialog box allows multiline values for attribs but does not allow them to be entered by hand. You must cut and past them in.
It would be nice if it was a little be more multiline friendly. ;-) You could include a size adjusting tab as well.

Also the "type" attribute is fairly important being one of the seven listed in Appendix A of: http://www.geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:csygas
However it is not listed in the add attribute drop down menu.


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