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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: Makefile.am

  User: cnieves 
  Date: 06/02/25 10:01:00

  Modified:    .        Makefile.am
  Added:       .        auto-place-attribs.scm
  Added some text autoplacing hooks and related functions.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +1 -1      eda/geda/devel/gschem/scheme/Makefile.am
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: Makefile.am
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/devel/gschem/scheme/Makefile.am,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -u -b -r1.8 -r1.9
  --- Makefile.am	23 Jul 2001 02:40:10 -0000	1.8
  +++ Makefile.am	25 Feb 2006 15:01:00 -0000	1.9
  @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   scmdatadir = @GEDADATADIR@/scheme
   scmdata_DATA = auto-uref.scm generate_netlist.scm gschem.scm list-keys.scm \
  -	       print-NB-attribs.scm 
  +	       print-NB-attribs.scm auto-place-attribs.scm
   EXTRA_DIST = $(scmdata_DATA)
  1.1                  eda/geda/devel/gschem/scheme/auto-place-attribs.scm
  Index: auto-place-attribs.scm
  ;;; gEDA - GNU Electronic Design Automation
  ;;; gschem - gEDA Schematic Capture
  ;;; Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Ales V. Hvezda
  ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  ;;; (at your option) any later version.
  ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
  ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  ;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ;; Code to place new text attributes automatically 
  ;; written by Carlos Nieves Onega starts here.
  ; Copyright (C) 2006 Carlos Nieves Onega
  ; This function returns the pin direction of the pin object parameter.
  ; It returns a one character string: "^", "v", "<" or ">". The arrow
  ; points the pin's end, which is NOT the active connection end.
  ; This function takes care of the pin's whichend property: if it's 1,
  ; then the pin ends should be reversed.
  (define get-pin-direction
     (lambda (pin)
       (let* ( (pin-ends (get-pin-ends pin))
  	     (pin-beginning (car pin-ends))
  	     (pin-end (cdr pin-ends)) )
  	 (if (eq? (car pin-beginning) (car pin-end) )
  	     (if (<= (cdr pin-beginning) (cdr pin-end))
  		    ; The x coords are equal. The pin is vertical.
  	     (if (<= (car pin-beginning) (car pin-end))
  		    ; The x coords are not equal. The pin is horizontal.
  ; This function gets the reference point of an object.
  ; The position string is the reference to return. It has the format:
  ;   "horizontal vertical", where: 
  ;     - "horizontal" is one of the following: "Left", "Middle", "Right".
  ;     - "vertical" is one of the following: "Lower", "Middle", "Upper".
  ;   Example: "Lower Right".
  (define (get-reference object position-string)
    (if (not (string-index position-string #\ )) 
        (error "get-reference : Wrong reference format"))
    (let* ( (bounds (get-object-bounds object #f))
  	  (horiz-bounds (car bounds))
  	  (vertical-bounds (cdr bounds)) 
  	  (space-pos (string-index position-string #\ ))
  	  (vertical-string (substring position-string 0 space-pos))
  	  (horiz-string (substring position-string (+ space-pos 1))) 
  	  (horiz-pos (if (string=? horiz-string "Left") 
  			 (min (car horiz-bounds) (cdr horiz-bounds))
  			 (if (string=? horiz-string "Middle")
  			     (/ (+ (car horiz-bounds)
  				   (cdr horiz-bounds)) 2)
  			     (if (string=? horiz-string "Right")
  				 (max (car horiz-bounds) (cdr horiz-bounds))
  				 (error (string-append 
  					 "get-reference : Unknown reference (horizontal): " 
  	  (vertical-pos (if (string=? vertical-string "Lower") 
  			    (min (car vertical-bounds) (cdr vertical-bounds))
  			    (if (string=? vertical-string "Middle")
  				(/ (+ (car vertical-bounds)
  				      (cdr vertical-bounds)) 2)
  				(if (string=? vertical-string "Upper")
  				    (max (car vertical-bounds) 
  					 (cdr vertical-bounds))
  				    (error (string-append 
  					    "get-reference : Unknown reference (vertical): " 
  					    vertical-string)))))) )
      (cons horiz-pos vertical-pos)))
  ; This function sets the default parameters of each attribute,
  ; provided it is specified in the default-position-of-text-attributes.
  ; It gets the attrib name from the attribute and sets 
  ; the text properties as specified in default-position-of-text-attributes.
  (define (set-default-position object attribute direction defaults)
    (if (null? defaults)
        (let* ( (attrib-name-value (get-attribute-name-value attribute))
  	      (attrib-name (car attrib-name-value)) ; Attribute name
  	      (default-def (car defaults)) ; Default definition
  	      (def-attrib-name (list-ref default-def ; Default attrib name
  	      (def-direction (list-ref default-def ; Default direction
  					   def-direction-pos)) )
  	; Check if the attribute's name and direction matches.
  	(if (and (string=? attrib-name def-attrib-name)
  		 (string=? def-direction
  	      ; It maches, so change the text parameters
  	      (let* ( (ref (get-reference object (list-ref default-def 
  		      (new-alignment (list-ref default-def 
  		      (new-angle (list-ref default-def 
  		      (new-x (+ (list-ref default-def
  				(car ref))) 
  		      (new-y (+ (list-ref default-def
  				(cdr ref)))
  		(set-attribute-text-properties! attribute
  						"" ; keep previous color
  						-1 ; keep previous size
  	(set-default-position object attribute direction 
  			      (cdr defaults)) ; process the rest
    ) ; End of definition of set-default-position
  ; This function processes the attribute list and calls
  ; set-default-position for each attribute
  (define autoplace-text 
    (lambda (object direction attrib-list)
      (if (not (eq? (length attrib-list) 0))
  	  (set-default-position object (car attrib-list) direction 
  	  (autoplace-text object direction (cdr attrib-list))
  	  )))) ; End of definition of autoplace-pin-text
  ; Autoplace the attributes of the given pin object.
  (define (autoplace-pin-attributes pin)
    (let ((pin-direction (get-pin-direction pin))
  	(attribute-list (get-object-attributes pin)) )
      (autoplace-text pin pin-direction attribute-list)))
  ; Get the pin directions of the given list of pins.
  ; It returns a list with all the pin directions of the pins.
  (define get-pin-directions 
    (lambda (pins)
      (if (eq? (length pins) 0)
  	(cons (get-pin-direction (car pins)) 
  	      (get-pin-directions (cdr pins))))))
  ; Get the connection sides where there are pins.
  ; The parameter pin-directions is a list with the directions of 
  ; all the pins. (As given by get-pin-directions).
  ; It returns a string with the sides where there are pins.
  ; It is needed that the return value doesn't depend on the order of the pins.
  ; (Notice the arrow always points to the inside of the symbol).
  ; Examples of return values: "<>^v", "<>", "^v".
  (define get-connection-sides
    (lambda (pin-directions)
      (define (check-side side-list pin-directions)
        (if (eq? (length side-list) 0)
  	  (if (member (car side-list) pin-directions)
  	      (string-append (car side-list) 
  			     (check-side (cdr side-list) pin-directions))
  	      (check-side (cdr side-list) pin-directions))))
      (check-side (list "<" ">" "^" "v") pin-directions)))
  ; Autoplace the attributes of the given object.
  ; This function gets some info of the object and calls autoplace-text.
  (define (autoplace-object-attributes object)
    (let* ((pin-list (get-object-pins object))
  	 (pin-directions (get-pin-directions pin-list))
  	 (connection-sides (get-connection-sides pin-directions))
  	 (attribute-list (get-object-attributes object)) )
      (autoplace-text object connection-sides attribute-list)))
  ;; Code to place new text attributes automatically 
  ;; written by Carlos Nieves Onega ends here.
  ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------