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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: Makefile.am

  User: danmc   
  Date: 06/10/31 08:16:08

  Modified:    .        Makefile.am
  Added:       .        pcb_backannotate
  Add and enable a pcb_backannotate script.  When combined with the
  PCB Renumber() action, this script will allow you to renumber the
  reference designators in PCB and back annotate these changes to 
  your gschem schematics.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.13      +4 -1      eda/geda/gaf/utils/scripts/Makefile.am
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: Makefile.am
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/utils/scripts/Makefile.am,v
  retrieving revision 1.12
  retrieving revision 1.13
  diff -u -b -r1.12 -r1.13
  --- Makefile.am	25 Aug 2006 01:00:15 -0000	1.12
  +++ Makefile.am	31 Oct 2006 13:16:08 -0000	1.13
  @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
  +## $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.13 2006/10/31 13:16:08 danmc Exp $
   ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
   bin_SCRIPTS = sarlacc_sym gschupdate gsymupdate gschemdoc refdes_renum \
  @@ -5,7 +7,8 @@
   EXTRA_DIST = convert_sym.awk gpstoimage mk_char_tab.pl \
   	     sarlacc_sym gschupdate gsymupdate refdes_renum gsymfix.pl \
  -	     config.sh.in gschemdoc.sh tragesym pads_backannotate garchive.py
  +	     config.sh.in gschemdoc.sh tragesym pads_backannotate \
  +	     pcb_backannotate garchive.py
   BUILT_SOURCES = config.sh
  1.1                  eda/geda/gaf/utils/scripts/pcb_backannotate
  Index: pcb_backannotate
  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  # $Id: pcb_backannotate,v 1.1 2006/10/31 13:16:08 danmc Exp $
  # Copyright (C) 2003, 2006 Dan McMahill
  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  # (at your option) any later version.
  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  # GNU General Public License for more details.
  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  # This script is used to process annotation files from the PCB
  # program (http://pcb.sf.net) to backannotate
  # changes to gEDA schematics.
  # It is heavily based on the pads_backannotate program which is also 
  # part of gEDA
  # for parsing input options
  use Getopt::Long;
  # for ceil function
  use POSIX;
  # don't allow -he to be interpreted as --help
  &GetOptions( ("help" => \&usage,
  	      "nocopy" => \$nocopy,
  	      "verbose" => \$verbose,
  	      "version" => \&version
  	     ) );
  usage() if $Getopt::Long::error;
  usage() unless @ARGV;
  # Annotation file name
  $eco = shift( @ARGV );
  # if no schematic names follow, exit
  usage() unless @ARGV;
  # make sure the input netlist exists and we can open it
  $i = 0;
  while( @ARGV ) {
    $fname[$i] = shift( @ARGV );
    die "Schematic file $fname[$i] does not exist or can not be read"
      unless -r $fname[$i];
  $filecnt = $i;
  if( $verbose ){ print "Loading PCB annotation file file: $eco\n"; }
  open( ECO, "$eco" ) or die "Can't open PCB annotation file $eco !\n";
  my $ver = 0;
  while( $line = <ECO> ) {
      if( $line =~ /^\*FILEVERSION\* / ) {
  	$ver = $line;
  	$ver =~ s/^\*FILEVERSION\*\s*//;
  	$ver =~ s/[^0-9]*$//;
      } elsif( $line =~ /^\*VERSION\* 20060814/ ) {
  	$ver = 20060814;
  close( ECO );
  if( $ver == 0) {
      print "ERROR:  Unable to determine annotation file version.\n";
      exit( 1 );
  print "Annotation file version is $ver\n" if $verbose ;
  if( $ver != 20061031 && $ver != 20060814 ) {
      print "ERROR:  This version of the program is unable to process\n";
      print "        PCB annotation files of version $ver.\n";
      exit( 1 );
  # reopen and parse the file this time
  open( ECO, "$eco" ) or die "Can't open PCB annotation file $eco !\n";
  while( $line = <ECO> ) {
      #  if( $verbose ){ print "$line\n"; }
      if( $line =~ /^\*COMMENT\*/ ) {
  	print "Skipping comment line: $line\n";
      } elsif( $line =~ /^\*VERSION\* 20060814/ || $line =~ /^\*FILEVERSION\* [0-9]*/) {
  	# the version line.  Note that the very first version of the annotation
  	# file used *VERSION* but it was quickly changed to FILEVERSION to avoid
  	# confusing it with the program version.
      } elsif( $line =~ /^\*RENAME\*/ ) {
  	# rename refdes in design (forward/backward annotation)
  	print " *RENAME* (Refdes Renumber)\n" if $verbose;
  	$line =~ s/^\*RENAME\*\s*//;
      } elsif( $line =~ /^\*WARN\*/ ) {
  	# A warning generated by PCB
  	print "Found the following warning in the annotation file:\n";
  	print "$line\n";
      } elsif( $line =~ /^\*/ ) {
  	print "WARNING:  Unknown command line:\n";
  	print "          $line\n";
      } else {
  	# this must be a data line
  	#if( $verbose ){ print "Processing data line: $line"; }
  close( ECO );
  for($i=0; $i < $filecnt; $i++) {
    print "Processing schematic file #", $i+1, ": $fname[$i]\n";
    open(NETLIST,"$fname[$i]") or
      die "Can't open schematic $fname[$i]: $!\n";
    # open output netlist
    open(OUTSCH,">$outfname") or die "Can't open $outfname: $!\n";
      while($line = <NETLIST>) {
  	$line = executeRENAME($line);
  	print OUTSCH "$line";
      if( $nocopy ) {
        print "Leaving page #",$i+1," output in $outfname\n";
      else {
        system("mv $outfname $fname[$i]");
  print "\n---- Gate Swapping ----\n";
  print "\n---- Pin  Swapping ----\n";
  print "\nBackannotation finished ", scalar localtime, "\n";
  # Subroutines
  # executeRENAME(line)
  sub executeRENAME {
    my $line = shift(@_);
    return $line unless defined %cmd_rename;
    return $line unless $line =~ /^refdes=/;
    # pick out the reference designator
    $refdes = $line;
    $refdes =~ s/^refdes=//;
    $refdes =~ s/[\r\n]*$//;
    # see if its listed in our hash of reference designators to be
    # renamed
    return $line unless exists $cmd_rename{$refdes};
    print "executeRENAME():  Renaming $refdes to $cmd_rename{$refdes}\n" 
        if $verbose;
    return "refdes=$cmd_rename{$refdes}\n";
  # executeSWPGATES()
  sub executeSWPGATES {
    my $key;
    foreach $key (keys %cmd_swap_gates ) {
      print "Please manually swap gates $key and  $cmd_swap_gates{$key}\n";
  # executeSWPPINS()
  sub executeSWPPINS {
    my $key;
    my @pins;
    foreach  $key (keys %cmd_swap_pins ) {
      @pins = split '\.',,$cmd_swap_pins{$key};
      print "Please manually swap pins $pins[0] and $pins[1] on $key\n";
  # parseRENAME(line)
  sub parseRENAME {
    my $line = shift(@_);
    my @refs;
    @refs = split ' ',,$line;
    print "parseRENAME():  Scheduling rename of $refs[0] to $refs[1]\n" 
        if $verbose;
    $cmd_rename{$refs[0]} = $refs[1];
  # parseSWPGATES(line)
  sub parseSWPGATES {
    my $line = shift(@_);
    my @refs;
    @refs = split ' ',,$line;
    print "parseSWPGATES():  Scheduling swap of gate $refs[0] with $refs[1]\n" 
        if $verbose;
    $cmd_swap_gates{$refs[0]} = $refs[1];
  # parseSWPPINS(line)
  sub parseSWPPINS {
    my $line = shift(@_);
    @refs = split ' ',,$line;
    @pins = split '\.',,$refs[1];
    print "parseSWPPINS():  Scheduling swap of pins on $refs[0] : pins ",
    "$pins[0] and $pins[1]\n" if $verbose;
    $cmd_swap_pins{$refs[0]} = $refs[1];
  # usage()
  # prints program usage
  sub usage {
    my $pname = $0;
    $pname =~ s/.*\///g;
    print <<EOF;
    $pname [--nocopy] [--verbose] change.log file1.sch [file2.sch ...]
    $pname --help\n
    $pname --version\n
  $pname reads a PCB annotation file and backannotates changes\n
  to a gEDA schematic.
  $pname accepts the following options:
    --help      Displays this help message.
    --nocopy    If given, this flag leaves the modified files in new files
                whose names are generated by appending a \".new\" to the
                original file names.  The default is to overwrite the original.
    --verbose   Enables verbose output.
    --version   Shows the version of this program.
  $pname was written by Dan McMahill <dmcmahill\@netbsd.org>
  # version()
  # prints program version
  sub version {
    open(PROG,"$0") or die "Could not open \"$0\" to find version\n\n";
    my $pname = $0;
    $pname =~ s/.*\///g;
    while($line = <PROG>) {
      if( $line =~ /^#\s*\$Id.*\$/) {
        @words = split ' ',,$line;
        $version = $words[3];
        $date = $words[4];
        print "$pname ($0):  Version $version, $date\n";
    print "Could not determine version of \"$0\"\n\n";

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