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gEDA-user: Plane is shorting a net?

Hi all,

I'm encourting problems with shorted nets.
I make a design, i've done the routing and finally place a ground plane
on solder side and component size, but it gives me some problems:
PCB says:
29: WARNING!! net "GND" is shorted to net "D/P"
30: WARNING!! net "D/P" is shorted to net "GND"

net D/P is a connection between a SMD connector and a SMD resistor.
net GND is connected to the plane with thermals for some components

Physically, i can't see any connection between GND and D/P, it seems to
me that there isn't clearance problems...

By looking in the pcb text file:
- i can retreive my net D/P wich connect a connector pad to a resistor
PAD (and only this connection)
- i can retreive the GND net that connects some pins and pads but not
the ones involved by the D/P net.

So my problem is that PCB says that there are 2 nets that are shorted,
but i can't find them physicaly and/or visualy. nor by looking in the
pcb file, nor by viewing it with PCB.

Have anybody idea on how i can debug and solve my problem?


chgans AT tuxfamily DOT org