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Re: gEDA-user: Plane is shorting a net?

On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 04:56:29PM +0200, chgans wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm encourting problems with shorted nets.
> I make a design, i've done the routing and finally place a ground plane
> on solder side and component size, but it gives me some problems:
> PCB says:
> 29: WARNING!! net "GND" is shorted to net "D/P"
> 30: WARNING!! net "D/P" is shorted to net "GND"
> net D/P is a connection between a SMD connector and a SMD resistor.
> net GND is connected to the plane with thermals for some components
> pins.
> Physically, i can't see any connection between GND and D/P, it seems to
> me that there isn't clearance problems...
> By looking in the pcb text file:
> - i can retreive my net D/P wich connect a connector pad to a resistor
> PAD (and only this connection)
> - i can retreive the GND net that connects some pins and pads but not
> the ones involved by the D/P net.
> So my problem is that PCB says that there are 2 nets that are shorted,
> but i can't find them physicaly and/or visualy. nor by looking in the
> pcb file, nor by viewing it with PCB.
> Have anybody idea on how i can debug and solve my problem?

This is hard. The highlighting algoritm makes on me an impression it's
in such cases useless. It always highlights the whole plane and you don't
see anything. You have to try deleting various pieces of circuit until
you strike the one with the short.

Maybe I am not right and harry eaton or dj delorie or whoever will uproot
my impressions :)

> Thanks,
> Christian
> -- 
> chgans AT tuxfamily DOT org
> http://home.gna.org/wisirc/