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Re: gEDA-user: 20050329 install problem

On Wednesday 06 April 2005 00:13, Marvin Dickens wrote:
>On Tuesday 05 April 2005 22:24, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Tuesday 05 April 2005 21:57, Daniel Nilsson wrote:
>> >On Mon, Apr 04, 2005 at 10:22:14AM -0400, Charles Lepple wrote:
>> >> On Apr 4, 2005 12:52 AM, Gene Heskett
>> >> <gene.heskett@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[gawd, lemme snip some of this]
>> I'm working on it.  Call me a clueless advanced user if you'd
>> like.  :-)
>Thing is, I like to install from source. So, regardless if the
> distro uses apt, rpm or whatever, I'm still hoarked - RPM and apt
> only know about their packages and have no knowledge of things
> installed from source. Even Gentoo is clueless regarding source
> installations. As for the NFS thing, I agree that that would be
> nightmare mode.

That makes two of us Marvin.  I've also installed a lot of tarballs 
here, often being forced to because the fix is not forthcoming from 
teh fedora camp, for what is a major problem, such as much of kde 
going away just for hovering the mouse over the name of a printing 
related util in the kde menu!

That didn't go away with my building a new kde-3.3.0 either.  So on a 
hunch, cups & gimp-print got nuked and a much newer cups, gimp, & 
gutenprint got installed from tarball builds.  I've since 
experimented some, enough to determine that cups was the culprit from 
1.1.19 thru 1.1.21-rc1, but the final 1.1.21 (now 1.1.22 here) fixed 
it right up.  That was nearly a year ago, and I don't think the rpms 
for cups have been fixed yet.  I mean its a kde problem, why should 
redhat, whose married to the gnome fix a kde problem?  Right?  Yeah 
sure, don't hold your breath.

I've always built sane/xsane from tarballs as much of the beta testing 
of its drivers for the Epson 1250u scanner was done on this machine.

So I now have quite list of stuff that drives apt-get plumb out of its 
skull, and I'd wind up with a useless ghost of what this machine can 
do if I was dumb enough to give apt-get the -f option.

But at the moment, everything I want to do is running just fine, so 
why should I fix something thats not broken.  Yum at least, only 
looks at the dependencies of what you ask it to install, faint praise 
maybe, but apt is IMO way too fussy.

>Oh yeah,  Gene -  I know from other lists that you are definitely
> not clueless.

Thanks for the flowers Marvin, but I find as the years go by, that I 
have to be given the first clue, or at least turned and pointed the 
right way at least so I know which way to head off into the trees 
looking for the next one.  That can be frustrating when one has made 
his living for the last 55 & change years chaseing errant electrons 
for a living.  A notice if you will, of the thinker slowing down, 
much as I hate to admit it.

What other list?  My kmail list of lists is slightly more than 1 
screen high, about 37 at last count. :-)

Cheers, Gene
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Copyright 2005 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.