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Re: gEDA-user: Debian: missing system-commonrc and missing menus
Jan Wagemakers (janw@xxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> Christopher K Eveland <eveland@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> schreef:
> > I'm running an up-to-date debian testing system.
> I am using Debian/unstable.
> > % gschem
> > gEDA/gschem version 20040111
> > gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more
> > details.
> pts/2836 jan ~$ gschem
> gEDA/gschem version 20050313
> I have no problems with using gschem here. So maybe you can try to use the
> gschem-deb's from debian/unstable.
This is what I was trying to point out to the list a couple of days ago,
debian testing seems to be having some issues getting the latest packages from
debian unstable. I think the current state is that half of the packages
(dependencies) in testing are at 20050313 and the other half are 20040111. I
don't know if this is due to that the ARM auto-builders are behind or what,
but with the current mix of versions on packages I don't think gEDA will work
really well in debian testing...
Debian unstable does have all the latest packages though, the issue is
propagating them to testing. I guess another way of asking is, what is going
on here:
I have CC'ed Hamish Moffatt (the Debian maintainer), Hamish can you help ?
Daniel Nilsson