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Re: gEDA-user: Debian: missing system-commonrc and missing menus

Hamish Moffatt (hamish@xxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 05:27:29PM +0000, Daniel Nilsson wrote:
> > This is what I was trying to point out to the list a couple of days ago,
> > debian testing seems to be having some issues getting the latest packages from
> > debian unstable. I think the current state is that half of the packages
> > (dependencies) in testing are at 20050313 and the other half are 20040111. I
> > don't know if this is due to that the ARM auto-builders are behind or what,
> > but with the current mix of versions on packages I don't think gEDA will work
> > really well in debian testing...
> >
> > Debian unstable does have all the latest packages though, the issue is
> > propagating them to testing. I guess another way of asking is, what is going
> > on here:
> >
> > http://bjorn.haxx.se/debian/testing.pl?package=libgeda
> >
> > I have CC'ed Hamish Moffatt (the Debian maintainer), Hamish can you help ?
> Perhaps. The packages are delayed from entering testing due to the
> overloaded ARM auto-builders, as you suggest. The situation was getting
> better but now it's gotten worse again. :-(
> The mix of package versions does not seem to work and as a result
> there's a couple of bug reports logged about gschem not working in
> testing. I hope this will all go away when the versions finally match.
> If nothing happens soon I'll ask the release managers to help in some
> way. I'm worried that asking them now might result in geda being removed
> from testing altogether, which will make it harder to get back in later.
> geda-examples, geda-doc, and geda-symbols have all updated to 20050313
> in testing. This is a bigger problem than I expected, so in the future
> I'll tweak the dependencies to ensure there's no version skew.


Thanks for the explanation, hopefully the ARM machines will stay alive and
catch up before it's too late. As someone already pointed out, the workaround
now if you are on testing is to force getting these packages from unstable.
That should make your debian gEDA install happy again.
