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gEDA-user: gnetlist and numparam

It is about a couple of months at i am using geda. I have begun to do some vaccum tubes model. An adaptation for ngspice of the Perugini's diode model can be found on the ngspice users email list.
The geda is a great suite of programs and i thanks very much all those they have contribute to it.

I have done two versions of the model. The first one without the numparam library and all is working just fine with it. http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=6872633&forum_id=5514
The second one is using the numparam library with ngspice. http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=7110344&forum_id=5514
My raison to use this library is at it is much easier to change the coeficients of the model to use it with different tubes.

When i run my simulation in ngspice all is working fine with the model not using numparam but i get always the same error when using the model that is using numparam:
error: X1 not found (or something like that).

I must edit the simulation file and move the line with the X1 node n node m ... after the definition of the model. After that, ngspice is working fine.
The raison is at gnetlist put all the components of the circuit at the begining of the simulation file and the declaration of the models (.subckt sections) after.
When ngspice is compiled with the numparam library, it doesn't understand it and i have to move the component after the model.

I can live with it but i will be happy to know if this issue will be fixed in the future.


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