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Re: gEDA-user: Adding groundplane?

On Sat, 30 Apr 2005 17:46:38 -0400
John Ackermann N8UR <jra@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi --
> I just started playing with gschem and pcb today, and have almost
> finished a simple board.
> I am having two problems.
> The first is that when I use the line tool to manually place a line, I
> often can't get the line to touch the pad -- the crosshairs just won't
> go there.  I'm guessing this is an issue of screen resolution, and that
> when the board is laid out, things will join up.  Is that correct?

You have to set to the correct grid, and there's an option "enable crosshair
snaps to pins/pdads" or something like this. Very usefull! Check the "drc
auto enforce" option too.

> The second is the subject line of this message.  After placing all the
> lines, some via autoroute and some manually, when I then use a rectangle
> over the whole area to add a groundplane, only a few of the lines remain
> visible; it seems others are overwritten by the rectangle tool.  How do
> I "flood" the board to put a groundplane, without losing the lines that
> I've previously laid?

You should lay your lines with the "enable new line/arc clear polygons"
options checked. 
Have fun with gEDA tools!



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