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gEDA-user: iverilog vs. $realtime?

I'm trying to use $realtime for some stuff with the 20060409 verilog snapshot. I'm getting some funny results with $realtime and I'm not sure if its me doing something stupid or it its a bug in verilog. FWIW, verilog-XL gives the answer I think I should get.

`timescale 1ns/10ps

module test();
   reg ck;
   integer cnt;
   real    tval;

   initial begin
      ck <= 0;
      cnt <= 0;
      tval <= 0.0;

always #2 ck <= !ck;

always @(posedge ck) begin cnt <= cnt + 1; tval <= $realtime; $display ("tval = %g\n", tval);

      if (cnt >= 5) begin

endmodule // test

verilog-XL gives

tval = 0
tval = 2
tval = 6
tval = 10
tval = 14
tval = 18

icarus verilog gives:

tval = 0
tval = 2
tval = 2
tval = 6
tval = 6
tval = 10

I made up this test case after having problems with the following from my real code:

Assertion failed: now.high == 0, file sys_time.c, line 126
Abort - core dumped

I can make that go away by commenting out a line where I do

	x <= $realtime;  // x is a real
