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gEDA-user: pcb complains about "empty netlist file"

I made a layout with gschem, and converted it with gsch2pcb.
But when I want to load the netlist file (AVR_ISP.net) pcb says "Empty netlist file!".
Here is the content of AVR_ISP.net:

unnamed_net13	D3-1 J1-2
unnamed_net12	J1-5 U1-5 U1-3 U1-7
unnamed_net11	J1-9 R1-1 U1-11
Vcc	C1-2 D3-2 R1-2 U1-20
unnamed_net10	J1-1 U1-12
unnamed_net9	J1-7 U1-14 U1-16 U1-18
GND	C1-1 J1-6 J1-8 J1-10 J1-4 U1-10 J2-25 J2-24 J2-23 J2-22 J2-21 J2-20
unnamed_net8	U1-9 J2-10
unnamed_net7	U1-17 U1-15 U1-13 J2-9
unnamed_net6	U1-8 J2-7
unnamed_net5	U1-4 U1-6 U1-2 J2-6
unnamed_net4	U1-1 J2-5
unnamed_net3	U1-19 J2-4
unnamed_net2	J2-11 J2-3
unnamed_net1	J2-12 J2-2