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gEDA-user: Hierarchical (nested) buses


A screen shot showing possible bus-nesting is at:


I've been calling this "hierarchical buses", but actually this is more
"nesting". The hierarchy bit will come when you can have "bus pins"
plumbing these buses straight into a sub-circuit or symbol.

The second example shows breaking into a bus by "path", such as
"address_bus/A0". I'm thinking more along the lines of hierarchical
naming, than "netname" naming here:

Putting signals "A", "B" and "C" in a bus called "foo", for example,
makes the hierarchical net-names:


A bus-ripper attached to "foo" might have an attribute "ripout=A", to
get A.

Now imagine C is actually a bus representing a LVDS pair (say):


If you wanted, you "could" rip "C/minus" from the outer bus "foo",
directly, with a bus-ripper with "ripout=C/minus".

This would be an alternative to splitting out bus "C" with "ripout=C",
then splitting from that with "ripout=minus".

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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