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Re: gEDA-user: Gerber files

Thanks super, DJ & John.  I've used Sunstone a couple of times, and they seem to figure out what they need--when queried they say that the gerber files are labeled well enough for them to figure out what's what.  But due to my compulsive nature, I was uncomfortable with checking off the "don't know" boxes for those 3 requested files.  I'm now relatively sure that I can check off the "don't need" boxes.
Again, many thanks,

On 4/12/07, DJ Delorie <dj@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Just to clarify what the others said:

> Tool Size Report

This *might* be what we call the "fab drawing", which has a list of
how many of each drill you need.  I usually use the fab drawing as the
"mechanical" drawing, but there is a separate outline drawing for the
automated submittal systems that are becoming popular these days.

> Aperture for 274D Format

Drill files come in two formats:

RS-274D requires an external file that says what size drill each tool
index contains.

RS-274X includes the drill sizes, so no external file is needed.

PCB always uses RS-274X, so PCB will never generate (nor need) a
separate drill size file.

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