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Re: gEDA-user: syntax error
On Sun, 2008-04-13 at 17:14 -0400, Ian Chapman wrote:
> Hi,
> using PCB version 20080202 I did a fair bit of my layout and was asked
> to make some large changes to the schematic. After updating the
> schematic "gschem version" I ran gsch2pcb a few times
> after fixing my share of typos. When at last I came to load the new.pcb
> file to past buffer I got this error.
> ERROR parsing file '/home/stanley82/Artwork/Controller/CPLD.new.pcb'
> line: 553
> description: 'syntax error'
> Digging into new.pcb using gedit line 553 gives "FileVersion[20070407]"
> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this or should I simply
> junk the existing layout work and start with an empty sheet?
Are you using "File->Load element data to paste-buffer", or
"File->Load layout data to paste-buffer" ?
(You want the later, and may get errors if you try the former).
Your existing layout should be in CPLD.pcb, with elements which are to
be added being dropped into CPLD.new.pcb.
If CPLD.pcb loads OK, you can probably move CPLD.new.pcb away, and
re-run gsch2pcb to try to get it to re-add any missing elements.
In any case, take a backup of the project directory before trying to fix
Best wishes,
Peter Clifton
Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,
Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)
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