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Re: gEDA-user: Windows version of gerbv

Thanks for the response.

At 12:06 PM 4/22/2008, you wrote:
> > I tried installing the current version of gerbv under Win2K SP4.  It
> > installed ok and started.  But when I tried opening a Gerber file it
> > crashed.  It also crashed when I opened an XYRS file.  Is there
> > something else I need to do?
>What did it say when it crashed?  And what version of windows are you

It gave...

Gerber Viewer2.0.1: : gerbv.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x6b067700" referenced memory at "0x00000000". 
The memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program
OK   Cancel

I am running the most recent version which I had just downloaded, 2.0.1.

>Note that the Windows version is experimental, and is not well

Yes, I have noted that... ;^)

> > I also can't find any info on the specs for the XYRS file.  That is
> > what I am trying to do, verify that my XYRS file is correct, but I
> > don't find anything like a standard for this.
>There is no standard for the pick-place file.  Each machine vendor has
>its own file format.  Fortunately, most formats are just ASCII CSV
>with X, Y, rotation and side info recorded in a human readible
>format.  Gerbv tries to guess what your pick/place file looks like,
>but it is not omniscient.

Yes, I am learning that XYRS is not in any way a standard.  Are there 
any conventions for how to interpret the data?  Where is the 0,0 
point assumed?  What is the 0 degree reference?  Which *way* does the 
rotation go, CW or CCW?  I guess you can get the 0,0 reference from 
the Gerbers, but how does the assembly house translate this to the 
board?  I assume that again, there is no standard.

>You can always use a spreadsheet program to reorder and manipulate
>your XYRS file if need be.
> > My assembly house is telling me that my XYRS file has the rotations
> > backwards, but it seems to me that the reference is arbitrary.
>Interesting.....   What sense do they use to define rotations?  CW or

I'm going over there now to discuss this with them.  It resulted in 
my pretty, pretty prototypes being mangled by hand unsoldering and 
resoldering...  :^(

I'm off!  I'll let you know what I find.

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