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Re: gEDA-user: How to photo-export from PCB

On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 10:02 +0200,
Marcel.Schmedes.EXTERN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hello again List,
> I want to export my PCB as an real Picture, like the one on luciani.org 
> [1] but can't find it.
> I already asked google for a hint but maybe I don't figure out the correct 
> Question...
> Any help is greatly appreciated,
> Greetings,

Export PNG with -ben-mode and scale down the picture to get smoothness.
This was DJ' answer to my question:
(Last time I used imagemagick/convert to scale down, result is similar
to pamscale)

28 Nov 2008 13:39:09 -0500 DJ Delorie wrote:


> Is there a description of these great "Ben-Mode" available?
> I have seen these photo-realistic pictures of DJ and other, but have
> never seen a detailed description how it was done (guess with gimp?) 

${WEB}/powermeter.jpg : powermeter.pcb
	pcb -x png --ben-mode --dpi 450 powermeter.pcb
	pngtopnm powermeter.png | pamscale 0.333333 | cjpeg -q 90 > ${WEB}/powermeter.jpg

For "actual size" use --dpi 300 instead (most monitors are 100 dpi)

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