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Re: gEDA-user: Matching footprints with symbols
Amand Tihon wrote:
Hi everyone.
It could be due to my distribution (Debian), but I always get lost in the
symbols and footprints libraries that come with gEDA.
There are even more at gedasymbols.org and luciani.org
For *none* of them does the silkscreen indicate the position
of the anode or cathode.
Or do you build your libraries of symbols and footprints that you *know* (or
hope) are correct ?
Yes. There has been talk of somehow proofreading symbol/footprint pairs
for correct netlisting and good soldering, but it has not evolved into anything
very complete -- just what you can find on individual pages of sites above.
Perhaps the state of the SMDs footprints is not that bad ?
I amusing a plc44 from there. It seems good dimensions.
DJ, (and many here probably), prints out pdf of layout and "tries out"
parts for fit on it.
I'm now slowly building my own libraries of footprints and heavy-wheight
symbols, to avoid mismatch between symbols and footprints.
I found parts of a workflow and changed it to suit me that lets you keep local libraries
easily. See if you like this: http://cottagematic.com/examples/
With a project directory approach like in that tarball, you could
change your local ./pcb.settings file to reference a different subdirectory of
footprints with the same names to have a pcb layout with smaller holes for manufacturing.
I'm not remembering how the referencing of different footprints works in pcb -- it may be
the footprints are sort of embedded and you have to reset that somehow --
needs some reading the pcb manual.
Another reason I'm doing it is because I drill the holes by hand whithout any
drill-stand: my footprints have large (60 or 80 mil) pins that allow for some
imprecision, with 15 mil drill hole to have the drill bit position itself
right on spot, thanks to the copper thickness :)
The drawback is that those footprints are obviously unusable if I ever need to
have a board manufactured.
They may be unusable as is, but you can use the pcb command window to change
drill sizes of groups of selected pins, vias. Example commands for that:
ChangeDrillSize(SelectedObjects, 32, mil )
ChangeSize(SelectedObjects, 62.0, mil )
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