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Re: gEDA-user: input/output ports gschem

Felipe De la Puente Christen wrote:
	I did a design using input, output, and io ports based on the
input-2.sym available in the library. I thought that the net attribute
would make the net between the component's pin and the port to be named
the same as the port's net attribute, but I was wrong and it's still
necessary to put a netname on the nets involved to make the logical
connection at the other side(another port + net + component's set).

	So the question(suggested by DJ) is: How are these input/output
graphical ports supposed to work?  Are they merely graphic things, or
does that net attribute have a special/useful function?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best Regards, Felipe.

I think they are just connections. That is, they are just a way to connect "nets" or wire things together. The way I use them is to have an Output on one schematic with the net set to a unique value that is the same as the net on an Input on another schematic. When the netlist is generated the two components (Input and Output) are connected. The net parameter seems to be the most important element. I'm not sure what the netlist value does.


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