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gEDA-user: input/output ports gschem
I did a design using input, output, and io ports based on the
input-2.sym available in the library. I thought that the net attribute
would make the net between the component's pin and the port to be named
the same as the port's net attribute, but I was wrong and it's still
necessary to put a netname on the nets involved to make the logical
connection at the other side(another port + net + component's set).
So the question(suggested by DJ) is: How are these input/output
graphical ports supposed to work? Are they merely graphic things, or
does that net attribute have a special/useful function?
Thank you very much in advance.
Best Regards, Felipe.
Felipe De la Puente Christen
Mobile Phone : +56 9 93199807
MSN/GTalk : fdelapuente@xxxxxxxxx
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