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gEDA-user: Now, no more whining please... :)
Due to popular, consistent, long term, and quite annoying whining :),
I have moved almost all the static content from www.gpleda.org into the
gEDA wiki. I also simplified gpleda.org's top nav bar a little and made
the wiki and the remaining static pages consistent.
The download page (http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:download) needs serious
help and is quite hideous at the moment, so please suggest (or just do it;
anything else has got to be better) a better layout/approach (keeping
the existing content somewhere on the page).
Those people with wiki write access, go nuts. Those people without wiki
write access, feel free to ask me for access if you plan on adding/doing
something constructive.
Feel free to post any comments you may have. If you see something wrong,
be sure to point it out.
PS. I am switching hosting companies, so please expect some downtime
sometime before the end of this month.
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