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gEDA-user: simulation data reader

Built with the help of the latest SVN of gwave's libspicefile (sp2sp)
utility, I use an in-house system to read simulation data into python
as a numpy array with attributes.  Data files are translated with
sp2sp to the numpy np.save()/load() ".npy" format and read in as
mem-mapped arrays to gracefully handle huge files.

I just added spice3 raw file support which required a 1-character
patch to libspicefile.

"spicereader.py" is the module of interest here:

I have the SVN version of gwave mirrored to git:

The "spice3" branch has the required patch.  Current SVN version
branch "guile-gnome-platform-branch" has the patch to translate
anything sp2sp can read on input to the "special" numpy disk format
wanted by spicereader.py.

The delegation of input reading to sp2sp avoided another "spice output
reader" implementation.

oscopy, announced on this list a while ago, has seen dev activity and
has integration with gschem.  I tried it out early and it looked
promising, there have been many improvements since then it looks like:

Hope it helps someone else,



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