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Re: gEDA-user: default pcb stackup change?

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 10:58:51AM +0530, Abhijit Kshirsagar wrote:
> 1. Agree! I'd find this much more intuitive and easy to work with. The
> layers option will be a big help...


I also like the ieda of dropping component/solder side, replacing it 
with whatever else that suggests "one side" and "the other side".

> 2. What would go to the outline layer? The gerber files have outlines
> for each layer right?

If your board is not rectangular, the outline layer would tell the fab 
house what shape to mill. It's sort of a hack as you draw something 
that looks copper but PCB supposed to handle it differently because the 
_name_ of the layer is "outline".



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