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Re: gEDA-user: RFC using SVG with semantic markup as an EDA format

> $ firefox symbol.svg
> renders a familiar looking symbol on my debian linux machine.
> So, are you thinking of making a translation in and out of gschem for all the attributes
> a full symbol needs?  Embedding the attribs in the SVG?
> Then being able to morph the visual shape of a symbol with well developed tools
> as inkscape and import into scribus for making a book out of it?
> That might go over well.  Using SVG as the internal format for gschem symbols and pcb
> footprints might not go over so well as the current formats are more compact.
> John

Yes it's copy/paste from OrCad, dont hate me ;-)

So my short term goal is to come up with SVG semantics for symbols &
footprints that fill the following criteria;

1. Render sensibly in an un-modified browser .
2. Allow import/export to a few common EDA packages, I'm sure you know
the roll call.

Obviously switching the internal file format is a huge effort and I
wouldn't presume to suggest that at this point.


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