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Re: gEDA-user: Printing your artwork

convert can create a tiff file from postscript file. You may have to
play with the resolutions
to get satisfactory output. I mentioned tiff files because that is
what I use for scans of

You should try using convert to change to eps or png files and then
try the montage
command. eps and png files are meant to be embedded and could work
better with montage.

You could also take a look at the psnup command. 

  From the manpage ---

       Psnup  puts  multiple  logical pages onto each physical sheet of paper.
       The input PostScript file should follow the Adobe Document  Structuring

(* jcl *)

On 8/9/05, Christian Treldal <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi
> tir, 09 08 2005 kl. 07:38 -0400, skrev John Luciani:
> > You may want to look at the montage command that is part of ImageMagick.
> >
> > To produce a "contact sheet" containing the images from 12  tiff files
> > I use the command
> >
> >   montage -tile 4x3 FILE1 FILE2 ... FILE12
> Almost usefull, but it dosen't seem to work with .ps files.
> montage -tile 3x1 file1.. file3.ps output.ps
> seems to produce a ps file, 3 a4 pages wide, which the printer is clever
> enough to squeeze down on a single page.
> How do you produce a tiff file, which only contains the actual pcb. Do
> you ask pcb to produce a ps with the exact measures of your pcb's
> outline? And then
> convert bla.ps bla.tiff
> ??
> --
> Vy 73 de OZ1GNN
> Christian Treldal