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gEDA-user: Synthesis of an always block with multi assignment


The following is a simplified artifical testcase (extracted from the standard prep3.v test bench, I posted a few days ago).

module multiAssign ( in, out) ;
input  in ;
output out ;
reg out ;
reg s;

always @ (in)
	out = 0; //default
	case (s)
		0: out =1;
		1: out =0;

This produces a netlist with two ouputs connected together on out.  

BTW, if I move the out=0; //default to inside the case, as default: out=0;  the problem goes away.   But, some people here claim that this is a fairly common practice to have the default before the case.

Is this a known problem in ivl synthesis?  Is this easy to fix?

Cordially, CN