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Re: gEDA-user: Defining parts with REALLY complicated pin labels


David D. Hagood wrote:


Lastly - and this is truly blue-sky dreaming - I have an infrastructural question: Given a part like a PIC, would it be possible to create some form of scripted part (in Scheme) that would allow the user to select what the functions of the pins were, and then create the appropriate labels for them, and possibly even emit the register setups for the part? It seems to me that this would really help make a multifunction part like a PIC pass DRC, as then the device could be tailored to the exact setup - inputs could be really marked as inputs, output as outputs, etc.

I thought about this a bit and came up with this Proof of Concept written in (for no particular reason, and not prejudicing any future choice of language. ;-) tcl/tk, that allows the selection of a `Function' for each pin, then outputs a `gmk_sym' compatible text file. (Just the basics, nothing fancy)

I have hard coded knowlege of the structure of the device into this application, so it's not really scalable, I would imagine that gmk_sym, or a relative could be extended to include some kind of selection and load/save of settings.

To try this out:

1) Run `./pic16f688.tcl' and select the how you want the pins named
2) Click on `Write File', this writes `pic16f688.txt' to the current directory
3) run `gmk_sym pic16f688.txt >pic16f688.sym'
4) run `gschem pic16f688.sym' to view the results.

Is this the kind of direction you are thinking about? Are you thinking of something more integrated into gschem?


                             Mike Jarabek
                               FPGA/ASIC Designer

# the next line restarts using wish \
exec wish8.4 "$0" "$@"

proc make_pin {name function_list row} {

    global $name
    set winname [format ".%s" $name]
    set labelname [format "%slabel" $winname]
    # Label the pin
    label $labelname -text [format "%s:" $name]
    grid $labelname -row $row -column 0 -sticky e

    set i 1
    foreach {function} $function_list { 
	set radioname [format "%sfn%d" $winname $i]
	radiobutton $radioname -text $function -variable $name -value $function
	if {$i == 1} { $radioname select }
	grid $radioname -row $row -column $i -sticky w
	incr i

proc all_done {} {
    set ofile [open "pic16f688.txt" w]

    # Write header
    puts $ofile ";; pic16f688.txt"
    puts $ofile "PIC16f688,PIC16F688,tl,5,9"

    puts $ofile "VDD,1,line,T,4"
    puts $ofile "VSS,14,line,B,4"
    for {set i 2} {$i<8} {incr i} {
	set name [format "pin%d" $i]
	global $name
	set pin [set $name]
	if {[string first "/" $pin 0] } then {
	    set type "line" 
	} else {
	    set type "dot"
	puts $ofile [format "%s,%d,%s,L,%d" $pin $i $type $i]

    for {set i 8} {$i<14} {incr i} {
	set name [format "pin%d" $i]
	global $name
	set pin [set $name]
	if {[string first "/" $pin 0] } then {
	    set type "line" 
	} else {
	    set type "dot"
	puts $ofile [format "%s,%d,%s,R,%d" $pin $i $type [expr 15 - $i]]

    close $ofile

make_pin "pin2" {"RA5" "T1CKI" "OSC1" "CLKIN"} 0
make_pin "pin3" {"RA4" "AN3" "/T1G" "OSC2" "CLKOUT"} 1
make_pin "pin4" {"RA3" "/MCLR" "VPP"} 2
make_pin "pin5" {"RC5" "RX" "DT"} 3
make_pin "pin6" {"RC4" "C2OUT" "TX" "CK"} 4
make_pin "pin7" {"RC3" "AN7"} 5
make_pin "pin8" {"RC2" "AN6"} 6
make_pin "pin9" {"RC1" "AN5" "C2IN-"} 7
make_pin "pin10" {"RC0" "AN4" "C2IN+"} 8
make_pin "pin11" {"RA2" "AN2" "T0CKI" "INT" "C1OUT"} 9
make_pin "pin12" {"RA1" "AN1" "C1IN-" "VREF" "ICSPCLK" } 10 
make_pin "pin13" {"RA0" "AN0" "C1IN+" "ICSPDAT" "ULPWU" } 11 

button .done -text "Write File" -command {all_done}
grid .done -row 12 -column 0
button .quit -text "Exit" -command {exit}
grid .quit -row 12 -column 1