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Re: gEDA-user: Spice Transmission Line Simulation Question

The spice3f5 help panel on lossy transmission lines states:

 3.3.3.  Lossy Transmission Line Model (LTRA)

      The uniform RLC/RC/LC/RG transmission line  model  (re-
 ferred  to  as  the  LTRA model henceforth) models a uniform
 constant-parameter distributed transmission  line.   The  RC
 and  LC  cases  may  also  be  modeled using the URC and TRA
 models; however, the newer LTRA model is usually faster  and
 more  accurate  than  the others.  The operation of the LTRA
 model is based on the convolution of the transmission line's
 impulse responses with its inputs (see [8]).

      The LTRA model takes a number of  parameters,  some  of
 which must be given and some of which are optional.

 name parameter             units/type       default      example
 R    resistance/length     Z/unit           0.0          0.2
 L    inductance/length     henrys/unit      0.0          9.13e-9
 G    conductance/length    mhos/unit        0.0          0.0
 C    capacitance/length    farads/unit      0.0          3.65e-12
 LEN  length of line                         no default   1.0


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