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Re: gEDA-user: Renumber in PCB/Was/Is List

Dan McMahill wrote:
Mike Hansen wrote:

Is there documentation anywhere on how to get started in developing for PCB/gschem? I am well versed in Windows C++ development but would need quite a bit of time to get up to speed on performing code work in PCB.

as DJ mentioned, no real docs other than the pcb web site says how to get sources from CVS and the file README.cvs talks about what you need to build from CVS sources.

Here is a patch which gets most of the way there.  Basic functionality
is there and works, the big comment at the top of the ActionRenumber()
function lists whats left to do.

I got a bit overly motivated last night and at lunch today. I have the renumbering pretty much all working.

What I did is add an action, Renumber(), which if called with no arguments it will prompt for a file name. If given a file name as an argument it will use that file. The renumbering runs top to bottom, left to right. In other words you'll get

R1 R2 R3
R4 R5 R6
R7 R8 R9

The output file has all the changes.

The loaded netlist is modified

Parts that have no name keep no name.

Elements which are locked or elements with locked names do not get renumbered.

Renumbering starts with the first character which is one of [0-9] or ?.

What is not working is when you renumber and then try to undo, the netlist modification is not undone. This will require modification of the undo infrastructure to deal with netlist changes.

At this point I'd appreciate some feedback. Apply the attached patch to current CVS sources and then from within PCB, press ":" (without the quotes) to get the action entry and then "Renumber()" (again with no quotes).

I'm sure there is room for some more efficient algorithms as there are a couple of pretty brute force searches and list insertions. Also, the screen redraws after each element is renumbered. Doh!


Index: src/action.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pcb/pcb/src/action.c,v
retrieving revision 1.89
diff -u -2 -r1.89 action.c
--- src/action.c	15 Aug 2006 02:50:42 -0000	1.89
+++ src/action.c	16 Aug 2006 22:07:49 -0000
@@ -3115,4 +3115,317 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static const char renumber_syntax[] =
+static const char renumber_help[] =
+"Renumber all elements.";
+/* %start-doc actions Renumber
+%end-doc */
+  - add option for renumbering direction (top to bottom, left to right
+  is what I coded up).  Numbering happens on a "row by row" basis.
+  - What to do about elements with no name?  Right now they are
+    ignored.  Maybe they should get names like I1, I2 (for Instance)
+  - need to be able to undo the mods to the netlist.  This will take
+    adding infrastructure to the undo system
+static int
+ActionRenumber (int argc, char **argv, int x, int y)
+  Boolean changed = False;
+  ElementTypePtr *element_list;
+  ElementTypePtr *locked_element_list;
+  unsigned int i, j, k, cnt, lock_cnt;
+  unsigned int tmpi;
+  size_t sz;
+  char *tmps;
+  char *name;
+  FILE *out;
+  size_t cnt_list_sz = 100;
+  struct _cnt_list {char *name; unsigned int cnt;} *cnt_list;
+  char **was, **is, *pin;
+  unsigned int c_cnt = 0;
+  int unique, ok;
+  if (argc < 1)
+    name = gui->prompt_for ("Renumber annotation file:", 0);
+  else
+    name = argv[0];
+  if ((out = fopen (name, "r")))
+    {
+      fclose (out);
+      if (! gui->
+	  confirm_dialog (_("File exists!  Ok to overwrite?"), 0))
+	return 0;
+    }
+  if ((out = fopen (name, "w")) == NULL)
+    {
+      Message ("Could not open %s\n", name);
+      return 1;
+    }
+  fprintf (out, "*COMMENT* PCB Annotation File\n");
+  fprintf (out, "*VERSION* 20060814\n");
+  /*
+   * Make a first pass through all of the elements and sort them out
+   * by location on the board.  While here we also collect a list of
+   * locked elements.
+   *
+   * We'll actually renumber things in the 2nd pass.
+   */
+  element_list = calloc (PCB->Data->ElementN, sizeof (ElementTypePtr));
+  locked_element_list = calloc (PCB->Data->ElementN, sizeof (ElementTypePtr));
+  was = calloc (PCB->Data->ElementN, sizeof (char *));
+  is = calloc (PCB->Data->ElementN, sizeof (char *));
+  if (element_list == NULL || locked_element_list == NULL || was == NULL || is == NULL)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "calloc() failed in %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+      exit (1);
+    }
+  cnt = 0;
+  lock_cnt = 0;
+  {
+    if (TEST_FLAG (LOCKFLAG, element->Name) || TEST_FLAG (LOCKFLAG, element))
+      {
+	/* 
+	 * add to the list of locked elements which we won't try to
+	 * renumber and whose reference designators are now reserved.
+	 */
+	fprintf (out, "*WARN* Element \"%s\" at (%d,%d) is locked and will not be renumbered.\n", 
+		 UNKNOWN ( NAMEONPCB_NAME (element) ), element->MarkX, element->MarkY);
+	locked_element_list[lock_cnt] = element;
+	lock_cnt++;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+	/* count of devices which will be renumbered */
+	cnt++;
+	/* search for correct position in the list */
+	i = 0;
+	while (element_list[i] && element->MarkY > element_list[i]->MarkY ) 
+	  i++;
+	/* 
+	 * We have found the position where we have the first element that
+	 * has the same Y value or a lower Y value.  Now move forward if
+	 * needed through the X values
+	 */
+	while (element_list[i] 
+	       && element->MarkY == element_list[i]->MarkY 
+	       && element->MarkX > element_list[i]->MarkX) 
+	  i++;
+	for (j = cnt-1; j > i ; j--)
+	  {
+	    element_list[j] = element_list[j - 1];
+	  }
+	element_list[i] = element;
+      }
+  }
+  /* 
+   * Now that the elements are sorted by board position, we go through
+   * and renumber them.
+   */
+  /* 
+   * turn off the flag which requires unique names so it doesn't get
+   * in our way.  When we're done with the renumber we will have unique
+   * names.
+   */
+  cnt_list = calloc (cnt_list_sz, sizeof (struct _cnt_list));
+  for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
+    {
+      /* If there is no refdes, maybe just spit out a warning */
+      if (NAMEONPCB_NAME (element_list[i]))
+	{
+	  /* figure out the prefix */
+	  tmps = strdup (NAMEONPCB_NAME (element_list[i]));
+	  j = 0;
+	  while (tmps[j] && (tmps[j] < '0' || tmps[j] > '9') && tmps[j] != '?') 
+	    j++;
+	  tmps[j] = '\0';
+	  /* check the counter for this prefix */
+	  for (j = 0; cnt_list[j].name  && (strcmp (cnt_list[j].name, tmps) != 0) && j < cnt_list_sz; j++);
+	  /* grow the list if needed */
+	  if (j == cnt_list_sz) 
+	    {
+	      cnt_list_sz += 100;
+	      cnt_list = realloc (cnt_list, cnt_list_sz);
+	      if (cnt_list == NULL)
+		{
+		  fprintf (stderr, "realloc failed() in %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		  exit (1);
+		}
+	      /* zero out the memory that we added */
+	      for (tmpi = j; tmpi < cnt_list_sz; tmpi++)
+		{
+		  cnt_list[tmpi].name = NULL;
+		  cnt_list[tmpi].cnt = 0;
+		}
+	    }
+	  /* 
+	   * start a new counter if we don't have a counter for this
+	   * prefix 
+	   */
+	  if ( ! cnt_list[j].name)
+	    {
+	      cnt_list[j].name = strdup (tmps);
+	      cnt_list[j].cnt = 0;
+	    }
+	  /*
+	   * check to see if the new refdes is already used by a
+	   * locked element
+	   */
+	  do 
+	    {
+	      ok = 1;
+	      cnt_list[j].cnt++;
+	      free (tmps);
+	      /* space for the prefix plus 1 digit plus the '\0' */
+	      sz = strlen (cnt_list[j].name) + 2;
+	      /* and 1 more per extra digit needed to hold the number */
+	      tmpi = cnt_list[j].cnt;
+	      while (tmpi > 10)
+		{
+		  sz++;
+		  tmpi = tmpi / 10;
+		}
+	      tmps = malloc (sz * sizeof (char));
+	      sprintf (tmps, "%s%d", cnt_list[j].name, cnt_list[j].cnt);
+	      /* 
+	       * now compare to the list of reserved (by locked
+	       * elements) names 
+	       */
+	      for (k = 0; k < lock_cnt ; k++)
+		{
+		  if (strcmp (UNKNOWN ( NAMEONPCB_NAME (locked_element_list[k])), tmps) == 0)
+		    {
+		      ok = 0;
+		      break;
+		    }
+		}
+	    } while ( ! ok);
+	  if (strcmp (tmps, NAMEONPCB_NAME (element_list[i])) != 0)
+	    {
+	      fprintf (out, "*RENAME* \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", NAMEONPCB_NAME (element_list[i]), tmps);
+	      /* add this rename to our table of renames so we can update the netlist */
+	      was[c_cnt] = strdup (NAMEONPCB_NAME (element_list[i]));
+	      is[c_cnt] = strdup (tmps);
+	      c_cnt++;
+	      AddObjectToChangeNameUndoList (ELEMENT_TYPE, NULL, NULL,
+					     element_list[i], NAMEONPCB_NAME (element_list[i]));
+	      ChangeObjectName (ELEMENT_TYPE, element_list[i], NULL, NULL, tmps);
+	      changed = True;
+	      /* we don't free tmps in this case because it is used */
+	    }
+	  else
+	    free (tmps);
+	}
+      else 
+	{
+	  fprintf (out, "*WARN* Element at (%d,%d) has no name.\n", 
+		   element_list[i]->MarkX, element_list[i]->MarkY);
+	}
+    }
+  fclose (out);
+  /* restore the unique flag setting */
+  if (unique)
+  if (changed)
+    {
+      /* update the netlist */
+      /* FIXME -- make this undoable */
+      /* iterate over each net */
+      for (i=0 ; i<PCB->NetlistLib.MenuN; i++)
+	{
+	  /* iterate over each pin on the net */
+	  for (j = 0; j < PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[i].EntryN; j++) {
+	    /* figure out the pin number part from strings like U3-21 */
+	    tmps = strdup (PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[i].Entry[j].ListEntry);
+	    for (k = 0; tmps[k] && tmps[k] != '-' ; k++);
+	    tmps[k] = '\0';
+	    pin = tmps + k + 1;
+	    /* iterate over the list of changed reference designators */
+	    for (k = 0; k < c_cnt; k++)
+	      {
+		/*
+		 * if the pin needs to change, change it and quit
+		 * searching in the list. 
+		 */
+		if (strcmp (tmps, was[k]) == 0) {
+		  free (PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[i].Entry[j].ListEntry);
+		  PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[i].Entry[j].ListEntry = 
+		    malloc ((strlen (is[k]) + strlen (pin) + 2)*sizeof (char));
+		  sprintf (PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[i].Entry[j].ListEntry, "%s-%s", is[k], pin);
+		  k = c_cnt;
+		}
+	      }
+	    free (tmps);
+	  }
+	}
+      for (k=0; k<c_cnt; k++)
+	{
+	  free(was[k]);
+	  free(is[k]);
+	}
+      hid_action ("NetlistChanged");
+      IncrementUndoSerialNumber ();
+      SetChangedFlag (True);
+    }
+  free (locked_element_list);
+  free (element_list);
+  free (cnt_list);
+  return 0;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 static const char ripup_syntax[] =
@@ -6204,4 +6517,6 @@
   {"RemoveSelected", 0, ActionRemoveSelected,
    removeselected_help, removeselected_syntax},
+  {"Renumber", 0, ActionRenumber,
+   renumber_help, renumber_syntax},
   {"RipUp", 0, ActionRipUp,
    ripup_help, ripup_syntax},
Index: src/undo.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pcb/pcb/src/undo.c,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -2 -r1.21 undo.c
--- src/undo.c	2 Aug 2006 15:55:18 -0000	1.21
+++ src/undo.c	16 Aug 2006 22:07:50 -0000
@@ -782,4 +782,8 @@
   UndoListTypePtr ptr;
   int Types = 0;
+  int unique;
   andDraw = draw;
@@ -817,4 +821,9 @@
   if (Types && andDraw)
     Draw ();
+  /* restore the unique flag setting */
+  if (unique)
   return (Types);

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