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gEDA-user: I wrote a BOM "compiler"
Thats very nice output Karel. I recently wrote a similar program in
Perl. Its pretty short so I have included it below.
I used a similar design, I have a CSV file of parts for each "kit" I
want to build:
refdes,value,comment,footprint,supplier,part number,currency,Qty 1,Qty
1,Qty 100
R33,4M7,0.125W 5%,bf_0805,Rapier,,US,0.05,0.02,,0.02,0.02
R32,15M,0.125W 5%,bf_0805,Digikey,P15MACT-ND,US,0.02,0.02,,0.02,0.02
R31,4M7,0.125W 5%,bf_0805,Rapier,,US,0.05,0.02,,0.02,0.02
R30,15M,0.125W 5%,bf_0805,Digikey,P15MACT-ND,AUD,0.02,0.02,,0.02,0.02
Note the fields above for different currency, lets me add up costs in my
local currency. I also supply the script with an input text file like
that says I want 12 4fx boards, 44 fxsmod and 44 fxomod boards. The
script then spits out a shopping list for each supplier, e.g. this is
the one for Digikey:
66 399-1805-1-ND
130 490-1014-1-ND
12 122-1437-ND
I then cut/paste onto the Digikey or Farnell web sites to place the
order. Perl is really cool for processing text files - this program
only too me about an hour to write.
Here is the Perl script, the Supplier="nil" mode is used to generate
lists of parts that I haven't sourced yet.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# David Rowe 2 August 2006
# Generate purchase orders based on kits of parts in CSV files
use strict;
use Carp;
sub parse_kit($$$);
sub output_po($);
my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
if ($numArgs != 3) {
print "usage: ./genpo.pl inputFile Supplier OutputFile\n";
my $inputFileName = shift;
my $supplier = shift;
my $poFileName = shift;
my %QtyByPartNum = ();
my %ValueByPartNum = ();
my %FootprintByPartNum = ();
my %QtyByValue = ();
open IN, $inputFileName or die "Cant open file $_\n";
while (<IN>) {
# each line specifies Qty,"kitname.csv" on each line
if(/(.*),(.*)/) {
print "Qty: $1 kit: $2\n";
parse_kit($1, $2, $supplier);
close IN;
if ($supplier eq "nil") {
else {
sub parse_kit($$$) {
my ($qty, $kitFileName, $supplier) = @_;
open KIT, $kitFileName or die "Cant open kit file $_\n";
# dump first two lines
<KIT>; # exchange rate
<KIT>; # title row
while (<KIT>) {
# each line specifies Qty,"kitname.csv" on each line
my ($refdes, $value, $comment, $footprint, $supp, $partnum) =
# normal operation
if(defined $supp && ($supplier eq $supp)) {
print "refdes: $refdes\n";
if (defined $QtyByPartNum{$partnum}) {
$QtyByPartNum{$partnum} += $qty;
else {
$QtyByPartNum{$partnum} = $qty;
$ValueByPartNum{$partnum} = $value;
$FootprintByPartNum{$partnum} = $footprint;
# searching for parts without a supplier
if ($refdes =~ /\w/) {
if (!length($supp) && ($supplier eq "nil")) {
print "refdes: $refdes supp: $supp\n";
$value = $value . " " . $comment . " " . $footprint;
if (defined $QtyByValue{$value}) {
$QtyByValue{$value} += $qty;
else {
$QtyByValue{$value} = $qty;
close KIT;
sub output_po($) {
my $poFileName = shift;
my $partNum;
my $items = 0;
open PO, ">$poFileName" or die "Can't open output PO file $_\n";
foreach $partNum (keys %QtyByPartNum) {
print "$QtyByPartNum{$partNum} $partNum ";
print "$ValueByPartNum{$partNum} $FootprintByPartNum
print PO "$QtyByPartNum{$partNum}\t$partNum\n";
print "$items total\n";
close PO;
sub output_po_nil($) {
my $poFileName = shift;
my $value;
my $items = 0;
open PO, ">$poFileName" or die "Can't open output PO file $_\n";
foreach $value (keys %QtyByValue) {
print "$QtyByValue{$value} $value\n";
print PO "$QtyByValue{$value}\t$value\n";
print "$items total\n";
close PO;
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