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gEDA-user: Can someone help protect me from myself?

Pride almost kept me from sending this or should I say shame.  Below is a step by step process on how I boinked my system!

I am using fedora 7 on an hp a1630n in 32 bit mode.

After reading the gschem2pcb tutorial I made the mistake of thinking I had to create all of the directory's in the setup portion of the tutorial.  I read it now and I can see it was supposed to be just the project directories.  Anyway, here's a list of the directories in the tutorial:

gaf/gschem-sym/                     Where I put the custom gschem symbols I create.
gaf/gschem-sym/transistors/         You can organize your custom symbols into subdirectories.
gaf/pcb-elements/                   Where I put the custom PCB file elements I create.
These can also be organized into subdirectories.
gaf/myproject1/                    And finally, separate directories for each
gaf/myproject2/                        design project.

And here's the directories I created in my home directory :

root/gaf/project michrophone switch/

I then created a small circuit and added footprint and value attributes.  I tried to do an autonumber refdes but was unsuccessful.

I saved the schematic and checked out the documentation on how to autonumber and found a) it autonumbers when you add or copy a component, and b) you have to add the autonumber script to one of three gschemrc files; one being the system-gschemrc file.

That's the one I picked!  I searched the File System for system-gschemrc and found it in the usr/share/gEDA directory.

I used  OpenOffice.org and opened usr/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc with the intent  to  insert the three lines of script but found the script there but commented out.  Instructions were there to uncomment the script if you wanted to autonumer. 

I uncommented the three lines of script, saved the file and started gschem.  The status window showed whats listed below with about 40 lines of "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item".

The application has an empty white background with one toolbar and no menu bar.


gEDA/gschem version
gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.

Read system-gafrc file [/usr/share/gEDA/system-gafrc]
Did not find optional ~/.gEDA/gafrc file [/root/.gEDA/gafrc]
Did not find optional local gafrc file [/root/gafrc]
Read system-gschemrc file [/usr/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc]
Did not find optional ~/.gEDA/gschemrc file [/root/.gEDA/gschemrc]
Did not find optional local gschemrc file [/root/gschemrc]
Read init scm file [/usr/share/gEDA/scheme/gschem.scm]
Did not find specified /root/gafrc file [/root/gafrc]
Opened file [/root/untitled_1.sch]
Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item
Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item
Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item

I'm sorry this is so long I just wanted to inclued as much as possible!  Thanks in advance.

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