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Re: gEDA-user: DIP resistor networks in gschem and pcb ?

On 8/10/07, armdeveloper <armdeveloper@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The reason for using these over a SIP network is the power rating of 250
> mW and the availability of 8 resistors in 1 package.

There is also a power rating per package. Be careful that you do not exceed
that as well.
> How does one represent this device in gschem ?  In add components, I see
> resistorpack8*, but those are bussed networks.  The device I am using
> has an individual connection for each resistor.

If your resistors are all in a single group I would modify the
existing symbol by
adding pins. If they are scattered across the schematic I would make
a slotted symbol.

> So in gschem, what component would I use ?  What footprint would I give
> it ?  How do I identify which resistor of the component ? (Use the slot
> attribute ?)

Use one of the DIP footprints. To identify the resistor I would a
lowercase letter

(* jcl *)


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