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Re: gEDA-user: interesting links

> Not because of "religious grounds", but rather back when the code
> base was first written, the C++ compiler was simply not up to snuff
> and the C++ binding for GTK+ were non-existant or quite poor.

I've written a LOT of code in C++, and you can write code that's just
as compact and optimal as C while being far more readable and

However, C++ lets you write much worse code too.

At this point, there's no technical reason to avoid C++, but if one
chooses to migrate, I'd say to be wary of blindly using C++ features
"because you can".  Personally, I limit myself to function overloading
and heirarchical classes, and avoid all the streams, templates,
envelopes, and other heavy-overhead (code and/or maintainability)

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