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Re: gEDA-user: interesting links

>Nobody said there was.  But if you're going to undermine any and every

	Okay, so what is with this statement:

> ... I have to cast my vote for OCaml or Haskel ...

	seems like you are trying to vote for something?  Again this 
thread is about the "fritzing" project, not about language choices (yes,
as I said before, I was silly to think that a quip about "religious
grounds" would go unnoticed by the a certain population of this list).

	Btw, since we are talking about OCaml and Haskel, please post a
URL to a "non-trival real world free software" code base written in
either one of these languages that I can evaluate.  Thanks.

>hypothetical discussion on the list, it's a miracle there's any
>discussion at all.

	This list is *not* about "hypothetical discussions".  As far as
I know no core developer is planning on writing/rewriting any tools in
Forth (which when suggested put a smile on my face :-), OCaml, Haskel,
or whatever.

	However, if you are going to write an free software EDA tool in
any language (of your choice), then by all means, discuss here to your
heart's content (though geda-dev might be a better choice and it was
probably a better choice for my original post too, oops).


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