After drawing some scetches, I have a new example width SVG based schematics. In the atachement there is now a folder structure for a complete project. Elements are: edasample.proj ( top folder of the project ) - library ( contains individual symbols in namespace extended SVG graphics ) - - library.xml ( Sample generated library index. This file contains all local installed project parts ) - - pic16f873a.svg ( Sample symbol for a Microchip PIC16F873A ) - schematic ( folder for schematic drawings ) - - schematic1.svg ( Sample schematic with 2 PIC16F873A and conections betwen PIN8 and 20 of the components ) - layout ( Sample folder for layout drawings ) - hdl ( Sample folder for HDL languages files like Verilog or VHDL, not in SVG of course :) ) - edasample.xml ( Sample project file with a reference to an external xslt stylesheet to convert the project on the fly to xhtml for web browser, txt, rtf or what ever. With help from some JavaScript there could be generated a complete Web representation for a Project.) The SVG files I have spliced in two parts. The first part contains a normal xml structure that represent information for a EDA software. The second part is the standard based SVG drawing itself. Every SVG object has a "id" that can be referenced from the xml structure in the first part. The SVG objects itself are all on the same hierarchy level. Symbols can be identified with org.example.components.micro.microchip.pic16f873a as example for the PIC's used in this sample project. If the software can find the component in the local library path ( Project lib or local library path ) then these will be used, if not, then the software can go to and getting a url and download the part from this site automatically. This way it would even be possible to have a centralized symbol directory server side. If someone points to the library.xml with a web browser, then the web browser convert that xml file with xslt and generate a tree of all footprints and symbols stored in the subfolders. With the identifier org.example.components.micro.microchip.pic16f873a this would result in a hierarchy of micro->microchip->pic16f873. Some of this ideas would extremely accelerate collaboration. So you could upload the project folder simply to your web server and make a link to edasample.xml from your website. If a user clicks on the link to edasample.xml, then with the help from xslt the web browser would create a complete website for the project and the users could easily browse the layouts, schematics and even footprints. What do you think about SVG based projects this? Regards k8b
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