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Re: gEDA-user: How to layout footprints overhanging edge of board?

> Hello,
> 	I'm trying to do a layout in PCB with components that extend over the
> edge of the board.


Not sure if you are making your own footprints for these overhanging parts
or not ... but one solution is to make footprints that index up to the
edge of the board ... with some background knowledge on your part of the
fit and size of what lays over the edge.  You just make the footprint
without the stuff  (silk layer) that hangs off the edge.

The other solution is to just make the layout area in PCB bigger ... and
make an outline layer that will correspond to your PCB's finished size and
shape, it doesn't have to be a rectangle.  PCB outputs 'outline' as its
own gerber file to tell your board house (or yourself) what the outline
dimension is.   If you do this there shouldn't be much reason why your
parts can't overhang as long as you keep the copper within the outline.

By and large there is no reason to worry about parts hanging over the edge
of the outline ... especially (only?) if it's silk.  Most board houses
will purge everything from your design outside of the 'outline' boundaries
so that it doesn't interfere with other work on a panel anyway.

The geda-user archives and the wiki should cover the outline layer better
than I can.


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