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Re: gEDA-user: alternate path for gnetlist scheme files

Hi Matt,

On Aug 20, 2010 12:45 pm; Matt Ettus wrote:
> We have some local netlisters we used, and I
> would like to add something to the gnetlistrc
> file to allow gnetlist to find them.   We
> tried:
>  (scheme-directory "/path/to/scheme")
> but that causes it to not find the files in
> /usr/share/gEDA/scheme which are still needed.
> Is there a way to specify multiple directories?

As I recall, currently there is no clean way
to specify multiple directories for gnetlist
netlister scheme files, unless changes are made
to gnetlist frontend C code.

From the C code:
line 242, 254, 293 of ??/gnetlist/src/gnetlist.c,
the "pr_current->scheme_directory" is the

If you must use local directory to hold
your netlister scheme files, you might
try copying all the files from
"/usr/share/gEDA/scheme" to your local
"/path/to/scheme", or make link to those
files from your local "/path/to/scheme"

Hope the above helps.

Best Regards,
Paul Tan

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