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Re: gEDA-user: Tag-Connect TC2030-MCP(NL) footprint, expert review

On Aug 12, 2011, at 12:04 PM, Colin D Bennett wrote:

> Question:  Is there any standard special attribute that can be set on
> the schematic symbol so that the part (e.g., J1) does not appear on a
> BOM or parts list produced by gnetlist?  In this case, the footprint is
> not designed to accept any installed part.  In other, common cases,
> parts such as tuning capacitors, inductors, optional connectors or
> pull-up resistors, etc. might be marked on a schematic as “no-load” or
> “DNP” (do not place).  How do you handle this in gEDA?

There is no standard. I often have a spec= attribute in my flows, and I can put DNP there, and remove parts tagged with it from the BOM with a tiny script, e.g. '$4!="DNP"{print}' in AWK.

It wouldn't be crazy to define a standard attribute for this purpose. It would require easy changes to the BOM and partslist back ends. How would you like it to work?

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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