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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA gets some great press!

Hi --

> Talking about "clean, optimized UI" :
> In gschem:
> - how can I create a "palette" of basic components such as nmos, nmos3,
> pmos, pmos3, polyresistor and so on (especially useful for
> micro-electronic) ?

Such a palette is a good idea, but doesn't currently exist, as far as
I know.  The parts browser dialog box is persistant (meaning that it
will stay open after you select a component), so what you could
do is create a new symbol directory with your preferred parts in it,
make sure it is pointed to inside gschemrc (or gedarc), and then use
it similarly to how you would use a palette.  I agree it's not the
same, but it does cut down on the amount of mouse clicks required.

> - Edition of properties is also very important in micro-electronic.  Can
> someone point me how to create a panel (docking window or something)
> with properties of selected component ? 

Not to blow my horn (again), but my program "gattrib" does this for
you.  It reads in a .sch file, and presents the attributes to you in a
spreadsheet format.  Note that you can't edit the attributes at the
same time as the schematic -- both gattrib and gschem read and
write the .sch file, so if you mix the two together they will become
confused.)  Therefore, it probably isn't exactly what you want, but it
is close & is very useful.

The latest and greatest edition of gattrib is available from gEDA
CVS.  I publish occasional updates on my website:


The version there, 20041120, has the latest features, but has a bug
which is fixed in the CVS version.  You need to have libgeda-20040711
or later installed to run it.

When Ales rolls another distribution out (hint, hint, Ales), it will
be included in the distribution.
