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gEDA-user: gEDA/PCB desktop icons and remote access?

The Boss Man at work has admitted that their big buck commercial PCB program 
is junk,and said I could set up a machine that would have gEDA/PCB.  Mostly 
because of the EETimes article (I've been pushing for PCB for a long time 
before that).

The place is pure windows and they are going on "Linux is a toy for hackers" 
from a few years ago.  Obviously they are not reading the right press...

To make this as painless as possible for the windows users, and to show
that Linux/gEDA/PCB are not toys I'm planing on setting up a server that
can run gEDA/PCB using TightVNC over the network.  Has anyone ever done 
something like this before with (Tight)VNC?  I was able to demo to the boss 
using his Internet Explorer under Windows to run PCB over the network using 
the server built into TightVNC.

See "How to turn your box into a Xvnc Terminal Server"
is my plan unless someone here has been down this road and has
better suggestions?

Also I'm looking for a set of icons that would represent the gEDA/PCB tool 
chain that I can place on a Fluxbox desktop via iDesk .
Anyone a good graphics artist if they don't (I am not)?
They need to be 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, .xpm files.

The more this looks like windows the better reception it will get.  Anyone 
know of a Windows XP Fluxbox theme?