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gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf 20041228 source tarballs released

Hi All,

After a rather busy year (mainly work wise), I am pleased to announce
the release of gEDA/gaf 20041228.  There are a few changes which I will
describe in the release notes (to be written in a day or so). 

You can download it from:


The usual build instructions apply.  

Please let me know if this release does not build or run.  I recommend
all the package maintainers give people a few days to find all my bugs before
they package up the release.  Thanks.

Happy Holidays,


PS. Here are the md5sums:

14fc5156084bf8ddc6e381b8cb793d9c *Makefile
0e5d6d7dc950a5f7e4247be46b8c609c *geda-20041228.tar.gz
0f6d1bb7b94812ea0d1a81aff11e080a *geda-docs-20041228.tar.gz
efe27da23f5fb6a836b4bcc01f16b5c6 *geda-examples-20041228.tar.gz
12e28d5d70d8da10fb27f2e966e5a906 *geda-gattrib-20041228.tar.gz
0c87828b96480120c09bfb5bfd6df9e9 *geda-gnetlist-20041228.tar.gz
f63d6fc5b1c24bf28122b5d0eeb3e1dd *geda-gschem-20041228.tar.gz
2776af00f395be4dd5c81f0dba2fbdab *geda-gsymcheck-20041228.tar.gz
d463b9314a5c0fa9be3081d97509c681 *geda-setup-20041228.tar.gz
906f3486c1824cfea96f66cd6eedecca *geda-symbols-20041228.tar.gz
0c416f20a56bf300fb0bfc5b3ed3ac4b *geda-utils-20041228.tar.gz
375fbebdeb82079c970eab4b3ae41e42 *libgeda-20041228.tar.gz